Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Use powerful affirmations and watch your life change for the better!

 There was a time in my life when I used to be annoyed😓 at the very little things that happened to me. And this question will always pop up: 


Every time anything unpleasant happens, I blame my present circumstances, and to be honest, I tried to be optimistic as well, but things did not appear to improve for me. I needed to do something to improve my attitude about the challenges that life threw at me. Most of the time, I felt weak and out of control. I felt powerless. I relied on others to make me happy. I became reliant on my external circumstances, on my grades, and I began to lose sight of the substance of life. 

 All I knew back then was simply existing. At that time, I felt that there was nothing I could do to change my reality. I kept blaming myself over and over again. We rely too much on the outside world, ignorant about what is going to happen to us. We often forget that we have the power to change our reality by a simple tool that everyone has and that is the MIND. Here is a quote that I would like to share with you!

Whatever Your Mind Can Conceive and Believe, It Can Achieve.” – Napoleon Hill.

It has not been long since I finally understood what this quote really means. We as human beings can shape our reality and be more in control of our life. We can work things in our favor simply by using AFFIRMATIONS. Yes, affirmations! Affirmations are powerful tools that are utilized in spiritual practices all across the world in the form of mantras!

 What does an affirmation mean?😀

Affirmations are simply short, brief, and repeated sets of words that you tell yourself silently or aloud. Furthermore, you do not need to practice at a specific time; you can do it whenever you like. It might be when you are brushing your teeth in the morning or when you are off to bed at night, it depends on you. The good thing about affirmations is that you do not need to force yourself to believe the things you are saying to yourself, solely by repeating it to you, you will eventually start believing it. 

The science behind this technique is that your subconscious mind picks up the information assuming that it is correct and happening to you. That is another big reason why you should always be affirming the positive for positive outcomes as it will work the same way if you were to affirm the negative.

Examples of positive affirmations ❤ would be:

I am loved and I deserve it.

I am strong and invincible.

I am grateful for all the love in my life.

I believe I can do it.

I am fun to be with!

There are tons of different affirmations out there that you can practice or even make suitable for you! 

Now that you know this trick, practice it daily and feel the change.

Feel free to share a few affirmations with everyone in the comment section!!!😊


Answering Upsetting Thoughts

  Click here to listen to my podcast instead! Dear readers welcome back to my blog! I hope you find this post to be both motivating and wort...